الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2021

الأحد، 21 نوفمبر 2010

National Day and Birthday of Sultan Qaboos in Oman

The Sultanate of Oman is considered to be one of the most peaceful and attractive holiday destinations in the Middle East. The capital of this oil rich Arabic country is Muscat. The infrastructure of this country is well developed, thanks to the dollar earned by export of oil and natural gas. However Oman is not all about modern high rise buildings and all. This country is famous for sightseeing places and cultural contributions. Among numerous Oman Festivals and Events in Oman , National Day and Birthday of Sultan Qaboos in Oman deserves special mention.

The birthday of Sultan Sayyed Qaboos bin Sa'id Al ‘Bu Sa'id coincides with the National Day. He overthrew his father, Sa'id ibn Taimur to ascend the throne as the 14 th descendent. Under his able leadership, economy of Oman developed in leaps and bounds. His major contribution lies in changing the name of the country from Muscat and Oman to the Sultanate of Oman. It is therefore no wonder that National Day and Birthday of Sultan Qaboos at Oman is celebrated all over this beautiful country with much gusto.

One of the most popular Oman festivals and Events, National Day and Birthday of Sultan Qaboos in Oman is celebrated with much pomp and grandeur every year on 18 th of November. The event becomes more auspicious because the National Day of Oman also happens to be celebrated on that day. The venue of such celebration does not remain fixed but keeps on rotating.

National Day and Birthday of Sultan Qaboos in Oman is accompanied by camel races and traditional dancing. Every nook and corner of Muscat and other parts of Oman is garlanded with lights. The buildings at night look their elegant best. The star filled night sky over Oman dazzles with the brilliant radiance of the firecrackers that are burst all through the evening into the wee hours in the morning. Every street in the whole country is covered by huge cutouts of Sayyed Qaboos bin Sa'id Al ‘Bu Sa'id and the royal flag of Oman flies high and flutters in the wind

الخميس، 11 نوفمبر 2010

Department of library and information


The Department aspires, through its three programs, the Bachelor’s in Library and Information Science, the Higher Diploma in Medical Librarianship, and the Master’s in Library and Information Science, to provide outstanding education in information studies. It also endeavors to be an outstanding and innovative academic department serving the Omani society in the field of information with leadership at the local and regional levels.


The mission of the Department is to provide outstanding education in Library and Information Science with a rich diversity of skills in order to contribute to the community's prosperity through professional services and research, as well to prepare graduates for life-long learning and to be able to carry out information practice with competence.


The Department aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To provide a professional training for information specialists in order to enable them to organize information and manage information institutions while respecting Omani values and customs.
- To train learning resource center specialists in order to enable them to manage this type of information institutions whether in schools, or in colleges.
- To contribute to the intellectual and scientific activities on or off campus and to carry out research by organizing seminars, conferences, and scientific meetings.
- To contribute to the continuing education of information professionals by organizing workshops and consultations.
- To offer services to information institutions and coordinate and establish cooperation with them by organizing conferences and providing consultations and transferring expertise through the participation of the Department faculty in workshops and the Alumni Open Day.
- To cooperate and coordinate with SQU academic departments, whether in the science or humanities colleges, by providing services with regard to the use of information sources, research methods, and search strategies on the Internet.
- To cooperate with Arab and foreign universities and scientific institutions in the area of scientific research, exchange of experience, and the training of Arab students in summer.

college of Arts and Social Science

about the college

Throughout history the mission of universities has been to facilitate the intellectual

advancement of society and the development of culture and the arts. In this spirit, the College of Arts and Social Sciences at SQU mirrors the past heritage, present character, and future aspirations of Omani society. Because of its importance to the culture of the country, the College regularly reviews its programs and adjusts them according to the rapidly changing needs of the society.
Since the University was first established, the College of Arts and Social Sciences has provided its students with studies that draw upon the knowledge of both past and present civilizations. These studies, which range from the literary to the technical and scientific, have given Omani students the knowledge and skills to develop themselves both personally and professionally.

centre for community services and contuining Education

As part of the Sultan Qaboos University threefold task namely, education, research and community service, and in its efforts to make the expertise of its academics and technical staff available for the local community, the university has established the Centre for Community Service and Continuing Education (CCSCE) to act as a link between its various departments and the community. In this context, community means the wide spectrum of community groups (i.e. public and private sectors, employers, individuals, children, individual with special needs, women’s associations, expatriates etc.).

One of the main objectives of CCSCE is to extend educational and community services to the largest possible part of the community. In this respect, the CCSCE is providing a wide range of short term courses, seminars and workshops as well as community service activities in various fields for public and private sectors and other interested individuals and parties in the community.

The centre’s Main Goals could be summarized in the following points:
1. To strengthen the University’s relation with the community through organizing activities and events, which support the university in performing its educational and research goals, in order to serve and develop our community.

2. To extend all forms of knowledge and scientific awareness to different community sectors and individuals, through the holding of training courses and programs, in coordination with the concerned parties in the university.

3. Prepare and follow up on the progress of research studies in different areas of knowledge, especially those related to societal issues and needs, and deliver their results to the concerned parties through the tools available in the centre.

الأربعاء، 20 أكتوبر 2010

المكتبة الرئيسية بجامعة السلطان قابوس

أنشأت المكتبة الرئيسية عام 1986، وفتحت أبوابها للطلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس في شهر سبتمبر من نفس العام، وظلت المكتبة في نمو مطرد منذ تأسيسها والى الآن، حيث بلغت مقتنياتها 233695 مجلدا و 8096 مادة سمعية وبصرية، وحوالي 3342 عنوان دورية وثقافية (481 عربية و2861 إنجليزية) منها 1398 جارية (235 عربية و1163 إنجليزية).

تشغل المكتبة مبنى مكون من ثلاثة طوابق يتوسط مباني كليات الجامعة ويميزه الإطار الأحمر بالقرب من أعلاه، ويحتوي هذا المبنى أيضا على كل من مركز نظم المعلومات ومركز تقنيات التعليم.

تتألف المكتبة من قسمين رئيسين، هما الخدمات العامة و الخدمات الفنية

تستعمل المكتبة نظام الأرفف المفتوحة الذي يتيح للقراء فرصة الاقتراب من والتعرف على الكتب المختلفة التي تعالج موضوعاً واحداً، مما يترتب عليه الاستفادة العظمى من مصادر المكتبة وتشجيع وتنمية عادة الإطلاع.

تستخدم المكتبة الحاسب الآلي (الكمبيوتر) في معالجة جميع الإجراءات والعمليات المكتبية، من تزويد وفهرسة وتصنيف وإعارة وخدمات مرجعية.

تتولى المكتبة قدراً كبيراً في عملية التدريب لطلاب قسم المكتبات والمعلومات بالجامعة وكذا موظفي الدوائر الحكومية الأخرى.

الخدمات الفنية:

قسم التزويد (العربي/ الإنجليزي): ويقوم هذا القسم بتوفير وتنمية مصادر المعلومات بالمكتبة وذلك عن طريق الشراء والتبادل والإهداء.

يوجد بالمكتبة استمارة اقتراح الشراء يمكن من خلالها للرواد اقتراح شراء كتب معينة لتضاف إلى مجموعات المكتبة.

قسمي الفهرسة والتصنيف (العربي/ والإنجليزي): يقوم هذان القسمان بالمعالجة الفنية للمجموعات المكتبية وذلك بفهرستها وتصنيفها وفقا لقواعد الفهرسة الأنجلو –أمريكية (AACR2) ولخطة تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس (LC Classification) والفهرس المعتمد بالمكتبة الرئيسية هو الفهرس الإلكتروني المباشر، وهو قمة أشكال الفهارس المتوفرة إذ يمكن من اختزال كميات هائلة من البيانات واسترجاعها بسرعة فائقة، وفي بداية شهر سبتمبر 1999م تم إحلال نظام أميكس AMICUS كإحدى الأنظمة المتكاملة في مجال المكتبات.

ومن المميزات الرئيسة في هذا النظام توافقه مع نظام ويندوز Windows، كما أنه مبني أساسا لاستخدامه في الحواسيب الشخصية، والفهرس العام للمكتبة OPAC متاحاً من خلال شبكة الإنترنت على العنوان التالي: http://lib,,,.squ.edu.om/.

قسم الإعداد والصيانة: مهمة هذا القسم إعداد وتجليد وترميم وصيانة مجموعات المكتبة من كتب ودوريات ومواد أخرى.

قسم الخدمات الآلية (أو نظم معلومات المكتبة): يقوم هذا القسم بالإشراف على جميع نظم المعلومات (سواء البرامج Software أو الأجهزة Hardware) المتاحة في المكتبة كما يتولى الإشراف على نظام إدارة المعلومات بمكتبات الجامعة (المكتبة الرئيسية، والطبية، ومركز معلومات كلية التجارة والاقتصاد).

ومهمة أخرى يقوم بها هذا القسم وهي تدريب موظفي المكتبة على استخدام نظام المعلومات المتاح، والإسهام في عملية اقتناء البرامج المناسبة لكل قسم من أقسام المكتبة

قسم الدوريات: تحتوي المكتبة على مجموعة قيمة من الدوريات العلمية والثقافية. وهي مرتبة هجائيا سواء على رفوف عرض الأعداد الجارية أو على رفوف الأعداد السابقة. والجدير بالذكر ان بعض هذه الدوريات متوفر على شكل مصغرات والبعض الآخر على شكل إلكتروني ومتاح عبر الإنترنت.
